Vents Ventilation System
Discover all the products of the Vents Ventilation System If you are looking for a way to improve the air quality within your indoor cultivation, then you are in the right place! In this category of Grow Shop Italia dedicated to Vents products , you can find a wide range of aspirators and air extractors, suitable for the different needs of its users, whether small or large.
For over 20 years, this renowned company has been offering a great variety of highly efficient and reliable solutions for the ventilation of grow boxes and grow rooms, but also of domestic environments such as kitchens and blind bathrooms.
We at Grow Shop Italia know well how important it is for every grower to offer plants fresh and clean air, to keep them in good health and make them grow strong and productive.
That's why in this category we have selected the best products from Ventilation Systems , a brand appreciated and known for the quality of the materials and the efficiency of the systems it produces.
Vents: leading brand in aeration and ventilation systems for Grow Boxes
Choosing Vents Ventilation System means relying on a leading brand in the production of high-end civil and industrial aeration and ventilation systems.
This company founded in the 1990s in Ukraine still deals with a large share of global users: over 50 million items manufactured and exported to 110 countries around the world and 24 physical offices in 15 countries.
Just take a look at its numbers to understand the weight this company has on the market. Each year the company produces:
- 5 million domestic fans;
- 350,000 units of industrial ventilation equipment;
- more than 22,000 air handling units, ventilation and exhaust units.
Their continuous research and development in the production of aspirators, ducts and accessories for air treatment in greenhouses and grow boxes, makes Vents and its aspirators the best choice for growers who prefer indoor cultivation.
Vents extractors and aspirators: types compared
In our catalog there are different types of ventilation systems and related accessories, suitable for all sizes of grow rooms and grow boxes.
Browsing this category of Grow Shop Italia you will be able to find, in fact, some of the most used ventilation systems in indoor cultivation: helical extractor , centrifugal and boxed aspirator . These products differ from each other in terms of power, noise, size, and so on.
Here are some of the most popular models that you can find for sale on our site:
- Vents TT100 Bi-Power helical extractor : with a diameter of 10mm and a flow rate of 145-187 m3h, it is suitable for medium-small sized Grow Rooms;
- Vents TT 125 PRO helical extractor : ideal for medium-large cultivation areas and grow boxes;
- VK centrifugal aspirator with a diameter of 150mm : with an increased flow rate up to 495 mc/h for a greater air flow;
- KSD Soundproofed Boxed Aspirator : ideal for those who need to install a professional and low-noise air intake system in a large grow room.
All of these extractors and aspirators are designed to remove stale air from the growing environment or to reduce the humidity rate, which can favor the formation of mold and pests, harmful to plants.
Choose Vents and discover the online catalog on Grow Shop Italia
Are you looking for high quality ventilation systems for your indoor growing area? Then, look no further than Grow Shop Italia .
Il nostro staff ha selezionato una vasta gamma di prodotti Vents creando un catalogo online completo di tutto ciò che possa servire a un grower esperto. Tutti i prodotti sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni e capacità, per soddisfare ogni esigenza di aerazione sia per coltivazioni hobbistiche che professionali.
Oltre a una nutrita selezione di estrattori e ventilatori, In questa categoria potrai trovare anche:
- Tubi per l’aria fonoassorbenti: di diverso diametro per adattarsi ad ogni tipo di condotta di aerazione;
- Tubo flessibile da 100 mm: e fino a 200 mm, di oltre 10 metri di lunghezza, modellabile e adattabile a seconda delle tue esigenze;
- Potenziometro Switch: dotato di 3 livelli di potenza;
- Raccordi metallici e raccordi in plastica: indispensabili per l’assemblaggio corretto dell’estrattore aria Vents.
Approfitta dei prezzi vantaggiosi dei prodotti Vents solo su Grow Shop Italia e trova la soluzione di ventilazione perfetta per le tue esigenze.
Hai bisogno di una mano per trovare il modello di estrattore o ventilatore più adatto a te? Non esitare a contattarci. Il nostro staff è a tua completa disposizione per assisterti nella scelta di ciò di cui hai bisogno.
And to learn more about the ventilation of cultivation spaces , we advise you to read our guide on Manuals and resources entitled: " The importance of air recirculation in grow boxes ".